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来源:http://www.aowur.cn  日期:2020-06-08


  Recently, I 武汉时代助孕 helped my mother's cousin find out that she was pregnant. Her mother-in-law immediately told her cousin to quit her job and stay at home to have a baby.At first, my cousin was very happy. Finally, she got rid of her busy work and could enjoy a long vacation.However, when my cousin returned home, she found herself more tired than at work. This was because her mother-in-law felt that lying in bed all the time could play the role of "protecting the fetus" and she had to use the left latera l position, which was difficult to destroy my cousin.On Monday, my cousin took me out for some air in the name of going to the hospital for examination.So we found doctor Liu of obstetrics and gynecology, carefully inquired about the correct sleeping position during pregnancy, and got a lot of results. let's have a look!


  @ obstetrician and gynecologist dr. liu

  We have 武汉助孕包成功 all heard the saying that "life lies in exercise". In fact, in the same way, pregnant women are not recommended to lie down all the time during pregnancy. Of course, this also needs to be judged according to the actual physical condition of the pregnant mother.Many people think that pregnant mothers with habitual abortion should stay in bed for a long time, but when pregnant women stay in bed for too long, sudden sitting up may lead to chest tightness, dizziness and other symptoms.In addition, pregnant mothers should not exercise too much and can do some relaxing activities.If pregnant women find abnormal body, they should immediately go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment.

  First, the correct sleeping posture during pregnancy

  Sleeping posture is everyone's habit, everyone has their own comfortable sleeping posture.But with the fetus, every move 武汉可以代孕 of the pregnant mother is a matter for two people.To ensure pregnant mothers have enough sleep, and to let the fetus inhale enough oxygen and take in balanced nutrition as much as possible, try the left lateral position or the right lateral position.This is because lying on your back or on your stomach will compress the uterus and affect the blood circulation of the lower limbs, resulting in edema or other unexpected situations.The left and right lateral positions are feasible. 武汉助孕包成功价格,妇产科医生孕期除了左侧卧 Lateral position can accelerate the blood flow of the body, deliver sufficient nutrition and oxygen to the fetus, and promote growth.Moreover, the pregnant mother can relieve edema in this side lying.It is worth mentioning that if the pregnant mother finds herself in the wrong posture, she can slowly adjust and adapt to it without undue worry or anxiety.During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the 武汉助孕公司哪家好 left lateral decubitus position should be used as much as possible to reduce the probability of hemorrhoids or other infections and prevent premature delivery of the baby.


  Second, the pregnancy supplement sleep tips

  Pregnancy is the most important thing in life for women. It should be paid attention to, but scientific knowledge should be respected.

  1、。Many pregnant mothers reflect that they can sleep especially during pregnancy, which is normal.Pregnant mothers need enough sleep. In addition to rest at night, it is best to form a good habit of lunch break.During lunch break, try to relax and lie on your side.

  2、。There are also many pregnant mothers who are too nervous because of their first pregnancy, resulting in poor sleep quality.If the pregnant mother does not rest well for a long time, the fetus will also be affected.Here, doctors suggest that pregnant mothers can do some exercises according to their physical 武汉借卵助孕机构 condition or drink milk and soak their feet before going to bed to relieve anxiety and relax their mood.If anxiety affects normal sleep, pregnant mothers can seek help from psychologists or relatives to relieve their mood.

  3、。Pregnant women don't have to feel embarrassed because they will have symptoms of vomiting in early pregnancy. This is perfectly normal.In order to relieve the pressure on the stomach, it is recommended to eat a moderate amount of food, eat some digestible food between meals to relieve gastric acid, and pregnant mothers need to do some simple and easy exercises to help digestion after eating.


  4、。In terms of diet, it is necessary to avoid certain foods, less spicy, less acid and less greasy.For example, spicy and hot food and excessive acid will stimulate the stomach, causing nausea and 武汉助孕哪家好 affecting sleep.

  After watching today's sharing, did the expectant father give the pregnant mother a hug?It's hard to have children, and it's hard to raise children. Baoma has taken on too much pressure and responsibility in this process.The baby is the crystallization of two people's love and needs both parents to protect it. Therefore, we should take care of the small emotions of the pregnant mother and share some interesting things.More care for pregnant mothers.Living in a loving family, babies will certainly learn to love and be loved just like their parents, don't you think?

  I am a help mother, a mother of two children, a senior nursery teacher and illustrator. Please ask me questions about children's education, physiology, psychology, nutrition, daily health care and nursing.
